Friday, May 1, 2009

Tip #1 on being a Dungeon Master in Dungeons and Dragons Role playing game!

We played a pretty fun game last night, and I was thinking about what makes a good game and what a dungeon master has to do to get there.
TIP ONE KEEP THINGS INTERESTING, if it starts to drag, add something! Make something up, just adding something interesting storywise can light things up. Here's an example, the group was slowly working their way down a hallway with multiple doors, systematically the were working their way through all the rooms, this was taking a while, a Harpy was waiting for them in the last room, I could sense that some of the players were getting bored so I had the Harpy start singing every now and then (she wasn't supposed to), they weren't sure what it was, a ghost? Crazy person? It was great foreshadowing, as they got closer to the room the tension built, the players were engaged, I had them back.

Hope that helps,


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