Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hi guys, been doing a lot of research into all things fantasy lately (For our show SPELLFURY) and came across "Dragonslayer" a movie that came out in 1981.
I had somehow missed this film and people on twitter were saying it was awesome. I finally found myself a copy and rather enjoyed it. The film is about a young apprentice who has to kill a dragon to save a town. The Dragon VFX were very well done for the time and I would say the battle between the humans and the dragon is the best human vs. dragon fight ever done.
It stars Peter MacNicol and Caitlin Clarke and they both did a great acting job. After checking out the film I visited IMDB and found out that Caitlin had passed away, a lady on twitter (Jessica Trovato) had grown up with her and told me "she was even more awesome in person. She was unphased by stardom which made her so wonderful."
I highly recommend this film and I will be buying it on DVD shortly.

Travis Gordon

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